The Nagaland Christian Revival Church was formed intrinsically based on the Biblical Foundation under the power of God with mighty Revival Tide of the Holy Spirit and now rapidly growing on the Foundation of the word of the unshakable Truth.
It was the fulfillment of the Promises of the Holy Scriptures according to Acts 3:39 that a great and wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit came upon the people of Nagaland. And according to the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, this Nagaland Christian Revival Church was born on the 9th January 1962 at the beautiful Village of Gariphema in Nagaland to be separated from the Paganism for the Greater Harvest of Souls. That the God of heavens and the Lord of the Harvest is mightily using this Christian Revival Church Multiplicatively in Asian Regions as it is not by might nor Power but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts (Zec. 4:6). ” This church was drastically separated from the paganism for the greater harvest of souls”.
An Indigenous Church
The Nagaland Christian Revival Church is an Asian Indigenous Local Church because all our Local Churches are Indigenous and Autonomous in functioning of its Ministries without foreign Hierarchical rules and Control. The Nagaland CRC is an Autonomous and Locally Governed Church which is Self-Supporting and Self-Propagating Full Gospel Pentecostal Charismatic Revival Church for all Nations (Mk 11:17).
The Church Elders were unitedly fasted and prayerfully Installed the first Office bearers of the Nagaland CRC on the 9th January 1962 at Gariphema Village Nagaland as hereunder :-
1. President– Rev. Neihulie Angami
2. Vice President – Ev. I. Toshi Ao
3. General Secretary – Rev. Merithung Mozhü
4. Treasurer– Pastor Zelhouzhü
5. Asst. Treasurer (FS) – Bro. Neilie Angami.
Whereof the Church Elders were unitedly and prayerfully adopted the undermentioned Doctrinal Statement to be the Tenet of Faith.