Posted by admin

1) Our Victory is from the LORD (ICor.15:57; 2 Cor.2:14).

2) Our Victory is through Christ (Rom.7:25; I Cor.15:27).

3) Our Victory is by Faith (Heb.11:33-37; I John 5:4-5).

4) Our Victory is over the devils (Rom.16:20; I John 2:14).

5) Our Victory over the flesh (Rom.7:24-25; Gal.5:24).

6) Our Victory over the world (I John 5:4-5).

7) Our Victory over that exhalts itself (2Cor.10:5).

8) Our Victory over death and the grave (Isa 25:8; I Cor.15:54).

9) We are more than conquerors through Christ (Rom.8:37).


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