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The Revival Christians are not just the mere Christians but we are the battlefront-Christian-Warriors as invading in the world of end-time-battlefield and fighting against all the principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph.6:12-13).

 Practical Spiritual Warfares in the battlefield:

1)The Salvation and the Power of the Kingdom of GOD and the Authority of Christ has come to us today since the accuser of GOD’s people who accuses day and night has been thrown away down to the seoul (Rev.12:10;Isa 14:12-15).

Now all the Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Matt.28:18) and our Royal Captain-JESUS has fully commissioned us to fight against all the demonic spirits in the world of battle (Mk.16:17-18).

2) Now we have  Supreme Divine Authority to cast out all the demonic forces (Mk.16:17) as our Royal Captain-JESUS is now Reigning at the right-Hand of our heavenly Father with His angels and all authorities and powers are under HIM(IPet.3:22) and therefore all the demonic spirits are under the subjection of the Believers of CHRIST JESUS (Luk.10:1-19).

3)Our Royal Captain-JESUS has given us Power to speak the new tongues that our enemy-satan never knew our supernatural language and with these new tongues we boldly communed with Jesus in spiritual utterance which is praying in the spirit (Mk.16:17; Eph.6:18). Also in some crucial occasions due to limitations of words of language, the Holy Spirit Himself also make intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered in words (Rom.8:28).

4) The Supreme Divine Authority is with us today to take away (to move far away) the serpents (Mk.16:18) which is leviathan, the twisting serpent has been severely punished-damaged by the Sword of the LORD (Isa.27:1) and therefore the counsel of the wicked-twisted is being far away from the righteous presence of the LORD (Job 22:18). Our Royal Captain-Jesus has given us the Supreme Authority to trample down all the twisting-cunning-serpents and scorpions and to overcome   all the powers of the enemy   because nothing will be able to harm us (Luk.10:9).

5)Jesus has given us the Supreme Divine Power to overcome all the deadly things that we shall not be hurted nor enjuired by those deadly poisons thrown upon us by the enemies (Mk 16:18) because the Mighty Wings  and Feathers of the LORD-JEHOVAH-SHADAI shall cover us from all the dangerous deadly situations(Psa.91:4). The LORD-JEHOVAH-SHADAI had sent His Angels and had shut the mouths of hungry lions that Daniel, a man of GOD was not hurt by those lions (Dan.6:22). Therefore under the Divine Security of  our Royal Captain-Jesus even any single of our hair will not be perished though our enemies pour out any deadly things upon us this is the assurance of our Royal Captain-Jesus (Luk.21:18).

6)Our Royal Captain-Jesus has Commissioned us with His Supreme Divine Power to LAY of our HANDS upon the sick-people for the DIVINE HEALING(Mk.16:18) because Jesus Himself laid His HANDS upon the Sick-People of diverse diseases and HEALED every one of them(Luk.4:40).

Apostle Paul too laid his hand upon the father of Publius who was suffering from fever in bloody flux and Healed him (Acts 28:8).

Jesus has Commissioned us with POWER against unclean spirits to CAST them OUT and Heal all manners of diseases (Mtt.10:1). Jesus has given us POWER to Heal sickness and Cast out devils (Mk.3:15).

Jesus has Commanded us to go and Preach the Kingdom of God and also given us the AUTHORITY to HEAL the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cleanse the Lepers and Cast out  demons – as freely Received so freely give (Mtt.10:1-8).

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